Food recovery is about making sure that as much food gets used as possible, reducing waste & feeding the community!
We collect food from local retail partners and distribute to those who need it.
We collect excess produce from local farmers through our gleaning program.
We divert food waste from the landfill through composting with Adirondack Worm Farm.
The Food Recovery team runs a multi-faceted program that supports our Food Center as well as many other food access sites within our community.
We work with farms, libraries, senior centers, human services, and individuals throughout the region to make fresh, healthy food accessible to all while supporting our local agricultural economy.
In 2023, our organization rescued and distributed almost 160,000 lbs. of excess food to households throughout Washington, Warren, and Saratoga counties.
We believe that in a country of such abundance, everyone should have access to real, fresh food.
As a rural food access organization, we work with upwards of 40 local farms on a regular basis. Throughout the growing season, these partner farms can have excess product that they are unable to process and sell in a timely manner (i.e., before the food goes bad). This is where we come in! Farms will call on us to help harvest, wash, and distribute this food. Learn more about gleaning!

Retail Rescue
Perfectly good, nutritious food often goes to waste because of minor defects like damaged packaging or sell-by dates. CFC partners with the Regional Food Bank and local retailers to rescue and make use of this food. In 2023, we recovered 115,049 lbs. of food from five retail locations in Greenwich and Wilton.
When we are unable to distribute food to our partner pantries and agencies because it has expired or is otherwise unsafe to eat, we are able to divert this waste from the landfill through our partnership with Adirondack Worm Farm. Since we began our partnership in 2022, we have composted over 13,000 lbs. of food waste and other biodegradable trash!